A one stop solution for all your KCET Counselling needs.

Be it checking on trends of each college or analyzing cutoffs from previous years with ease, Counselling wizard is a go-to solution.


Flexibile, Easy to use, One Stop Solution.

Next.js 13

App dir, Routing, Layouts, Loading UI and API routes.

React 18

Server and Client Components. Use hook.


ORM using Prisma and deployed on PlanetScale.


UI components built using Radix UI and styled with Tailwind CSS.


Authentication using NextAuth.js and middlewares.


Free and paid subscriptions using Stripe.

Taxonomy also includes a blog and a full-featured documentation site built using Contentlayer and MDX.

Proudly Open Source

Taxonomy is open source and powered by open source software.
The code is available on GitHub.

5 stars on GitHub